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Here you can find all the words used in this documentation, which might be unfamiliar to the common user. Especially all German words used in the context of the project will be explained here. The glossary uses the female form of nouns when talking about people to make it easier to read and understand for non-German readers. When using the female form, this is not meant to be exclusive, the definitions are applicable to male and non-binary people as well.


A person who is in a "Duale Berufsausbildung", a German educational concept where you learn theoretical concepts at a "Berufsschule", which is an educational institute comparable to vocational schools. The practical concepts are taught at a specific company that the Auszubildende has a contract with


A Dienststelle is the department from which the Praktikumsstelle is reported in our context and in which the Nwks will then work.


Training year, only for Auszubildende


A Meldezeitraum is a time range in which örtliche Ausbilderinnen can report Praktikumsstellen to the örtliche Ausbildungsleitung. All Praktikumsstellen reported during a certain Meldezeitraum are linked to this specific Meldezeitraum


Long form of Nwk


Nwk is short for Nachwuchskraft and is a term referring to Auszubildenden and Studentinnen.

Örtliche Ausbilderin

A örtliche Ausbilderin is person who is responsible for the education of an Nwk at their team at the company. Their job is to give small work items to them and help them if necessary. The örtliche Ausbilderin is the first contact person if an Nwk needs help.

Örtliche Ausbildungsleitung

The örtliche Ausbildungsleitung is responsible for the education of Nwk in a larger part of the company. They coordinate which Nwk is assigned to which Praktikumsstelle. They are also the contact person if a Nwk has any problems with their örtliche Ausbilderin. In the first iterations of development, they were the main users of this application.


A Planstelle is the abstract concept of a position in a team, a current Nwk could work at in the future after finishing their training.


A Praktikumsstelle is an abstract concept that describes a position in a team where a Nwk can work and be educated.


Just the German translation of student, so someone studying at a university or similar institution, with the goal of gaining a bachelor's or master's degree.


A Zuweisungszeitraum is a time range, in which Nwks are working at the Praktikumsstellen they were assigned to.

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