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A navigation tab labeled Nachwuchskräfte makes it possible to view all active Nwks and import Nwks from an Excel file. This page and its actions are only available for örtliche Ausbildungsleitung.

Nwk Overview

In the grey Box labeled Übersicht, you can see all active Nwks. Active means that they have not yet finished their training. Displayed Infos:

  • Name
  • Major/training direction
  • year

Modifying Nwks

Under each Nwk in the overview is a button labeled Bearbeiten.

Clicking it will open a dialog with the Nwk's information.

It is possible to change the name, year and major/training direction.

The changes will be saved after clicking the Akzeptieren button, and a green success message will appear.

If the changes are not accepted, the old values will remain, and a red error message will appear.

Clicking on the Abbrechen button cancels the operation and nothing will be changed and the dialog will be closed.

Using the Import button

In the top right of the site is a blue upload button labeled Datei Hochladen.

It is possible to upload an Excel file there.

Non-Excel files or old-format Excel files (older than 2007) will produce errors after uploading.

The Excel file has to be in the correct format. Download an sample file here.

The first name (Vorname) has to be between 2 and 255 characters.

The last name (Nachname) has to be between 2 and 255 characters.

The training direction or course of study (Studiengang) has to be one of these: BSC, BWI, VI, or FISI.

The year (Jahrgang) has to be in this format: XX/XX Example: 20/24 for someone who started training in 2020 and finishes in 2024.

The lecture days (Vorlesungstage) have to be in the standard German short notation of Days (see Table below). The days can be chained together by plus signs, for example: Mo + Di + Mi.

If the upload is successful, a green success message will appear. If it's not, a red error will appear.

Manually creating Nwks

In the top right of the site is a blue upload button labeled Erstellen.

It is possible to create a Nwks manually there.

The first name (Vorname) has to be between 2 and 255 characters.

The last name (Nachname) has to be between 2 and 255 characters.

There are two selectors to select either the training direction or course of study

The year (Jahrgang) has to be in this format: XX/XX Example: 20/24 for someone who started training in 2020 and finishes in 2024.

The lecture days selector is used to select the lecture days of a Nwks.

English weekdays to German short notation

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